Removing members from a domain using rhc

Let's suppose you are a system admin and suddenly your application starts behaving weird. You looked at the logs but you were not able to understand them. To fix this issue, you had to give a developer access to look at the logs. The developer was able to understand the problem, and now you want to remove the developer membership.

Getting ready

To complete this recipe, you will need to have rhc installed on your machine. Please refer to the Installing the OpenShift rhc command-line client recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with OpenShift, for instructions.

You will need two OpenShift accounts to work through this recipe. Please refer to the Creating an OpenShift Online account recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with OpenShift, for OpenShift account registration instructions.

How to do it…

To remove the user from the osbook domain of , run the following command:

$ rhc remove-member --namespace osbook

How it works…

The rhc member-remove command does two things:

  • It removes the public SSH key from the authorized keys registry so that can't perform SSH operations such as git clone and SSH into application gears.
  • It removes the member from the osbook domain.

You can verify that is removed from the members' list by inserting the following command:

$ rhc members --namespace osbook
Login Role
---------------------------- ------------- admin (owner)

There's more…

You can remove all the members from a domain by using the --all flag:

$ rhc remove-member --all --namespace osbook

See also

  • The Adding viewer members to a domain using rhc recipe
  • The Adding an admin member to a domain using rhc recipe
  • The Viewing all the members in a domain using rhc recipe