About the Reviewers

Niclas Sahlin works as a software developer in Gothenburg, Sweden. After graduating from Chalmers University of Technology with a degree in software engineering in 2012, he started working full-time with ASP.NET, and has not turned his back on it since.

His first contact with ASP.NET was during his studies at Chalmers. He used it in various projects in his spare time and soon took interest in the frontend side of web development. During the development of a game together with two friends, he discovered SignalR and the capabilities the library provided, and he has used it for many projects since then.

You can find Niclas on Twitter as @niclassahlin or visit his blog at www.niclassahlin.com to learn more about him and what he does.

Najam Uddin specializes in designing and creating secure and scalable solutions. With over 10 years of experience in software design, development, and support, he has engineered strong, data-driven web applications and services for the banking and finance, oil and gas, and insurance industries. He is mainly focused on the Microsoft technology stack. He has a master of science degree from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. You can contact him at .