What you need for this book

For this book, you need a personal computer (it can be a Windows machine, Mac, or Linux) with an installed and configured Python 3.5 environment; we use the Anaconda distribution of Python that can be downloaded at https://www.continuum.io/downloads.

Throughout this book, we use various Python modules: pandas, NumPy/SciPy, SciKit-Learn, MLPY, StatsModels, PyBrain, NLTK, BeautifulSoup, Optunity, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, PyLab, OpenPyXl, PyMongo, SQLAlchemy, NetworkX, and SimPy. Most of the modules used come preinstalled with Anaconda, but some of them need to be installed via either the conda installer or by downloading the module and using the python setup.py install command. It is fine if some of those modules are not currently installed on your machine; we will guide you through the installation process.

We also use several non-Python tools: OpenRefine to aid in data cleansing and analysis, D3.js to visualize data, Postgres and MongoDB databases to store data, Gephi to visualize graphs, and PythonBiogeme to estimate discrete choice models. We will provide detailed installation instructions where needed.